Luca Stanco und Opera Person-Info 

( Ich bin Luca Stanco)
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) Fortsatt raskere enn lyset – NRK Viten – Nyheter innen vitenskap og...

Nytt OPERA-eksperiment ga samme svar som før - nå har forskerne ved CERN slått beina under en av hovedinnvendingene mot eksperimentet.

Guardian: Those faster-than-light neutrinos. Four things to think about |...

Jon Butterworth: Having read the paper, seen the seminar and watched the excitement over evidence from the Opera experiment that neutrinos violate the speed...

Leaders of controversial neutrino experiment step down | New Scientist
Citing tensions within the experimental collaboration, two leaders of the OPERA team behind last year's faster-than-light neutrino result resign

Faster-than-light neutrinos dealt another blow | New Scientist
— Both arguments are worrisome, agrees OPERA team member Luca Stanco of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Italy, who did not sign ... › dn...