Luisa Acosta Person-Info 

( Ich bin Luisa Acosta)


(1 - 4 von 7

globo: Hoje roteirista, ex-ator mirim Eduardo Caldas se casa aos 31 anos com...

Hoje, com 31 anos de idade, Eduardo Caldas ganha a vida como roteirista e acaba de se casar com a produtora cultural Luisa Acosta, de 28.

Nicaragua Canal undermines human rights | Both ENDS
A report published yesterday by Amnesty Central America shows that the plans for a new canal leads to numerous violations of human rights in Nicaragua. And...

Nicaragua: indigenous consent for canal is false | Both ENDS
The supposed consent given by the indigenous population for the controversial canal through their territory is deceptive. Testimonies of the Rama and Kriol... News Article - Top 50 Corporations for Multicultural Business Opportunities
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