Made Lea Person-Info 

( Ich bin Made Lea)


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Agenda: William Lewis: We demand to know more about private equity |...
Hicks is one of the most powerful private-equity firms in Europe and the US, and its success has made Lea, the 36-year-old British-born financier who heads ...

Lea Michele: I ralphed singing ‘Let it Go’ on ‘Glee’ – The Mercury...
“Let it Go” even made Lea Michele throw up. The 28-year-old actress performed the song from Disney's “Frozen” last year on an episode of ...

Lea Michele on Cory Monteith: 'He's Watching Everything I'm Doing' -...
Cory Monteith made Lea Michele feel like she could do anything she wanted in life. Even six months after Monteith's untimely death, Michele, ...

Glee star Lea Michele: My family instilled the confidence in me to...
WHATEVER happened behind the scenes of Glee last month seems to have been resolved, with Lea Michele claiming she wants to work
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