Magnus Bjursell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Magnus Bjursell)


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Life Science Engineering Initiative Seminar | Chalmers
... and biological engineering (full program here ). Magnus Bjursell from AstraZeneca, who gave a talk on "Omics technologies and the phar.

New mechanism discovered behind infant epilepsy
... Hiromi Hirata, Juan Zhen, Philip Long, Irene Farabella, Esther Meyer, Atsuo Kawahara, Grace Vassallo, Stavros Stivaros, Magnus Bjursell, ...

NEWS #2, Life Science Engineering Area of Advance
Magnus Bjursell, AstraZeneca, Andrew Ewing, Chalmers, Mathias Uhlen, SciLifeLab/KTH, Dusko Ehrlich, INRA, Kiran Patil, EMBL, Vassily Hatzimanikatis, EPFL, ...

New mechanism discovered behind infant epilepsy | Karolinska...
Scientists at Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital have discovered a new explanation for severe early infant epilepsy. Mutations in the...
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