Mahmoud Haji-Yousif Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mahmoud Haji-Yousif)


(1 - 4 von 13

Iraqi Kurdistan parliament votes to send forces to Kobani | Reuters
Lawmakers in Iraq's Kurdistan region said on Wednesday they voted in favor of sending Kurdish forces to the besieged Syrian town of Kobani via Turkey.

Guardian: Kurds push for independence vote amid Iraq chaos | World news | The...

Massoud Barzani, president of autonomous Kurdish region, calls on Iraqi MPs to plan for independence referendum

Kenyan Citizenship: A Name Game for Nubians | Pulitzer Center
For Nubians living in Kenya, the traditional naming process is a generational rotation—and a source of confusion for some Kenyan bureaucrats.

Wie Zala Khalibi und Mahmoud Haji Flüchtlingen helfen | › Region › Kreis Offenbach › Langen
· ... mit erfolgreicher Integrationsbiografie unterstützt, ehrenamtlich aktiv zu werden . Zala Khalibi und Mahmoud Haji engagieren sich dort.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Mahmoud Haji-Yousif
Vorname "Mahmoud" (2067)
Name "Haji-Yousif" (1)
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