Maija Kreishman und Principal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Maija Kreishman)
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Austin Hosts the SEGD Global Design Conference
Asterisk principal Susanne Harrington will join colleagues Maija Kreishman of Michael Hsu Office of Design and Curtis Roberts of fd2s as the conference ... › news

Austin Mixed-Use Development & Retail Forum - Bisnow
Maija Kreishman, AIA, is Principal at Michael Hsu Office of Architecture (MHOA), where she has been a critical member of the firm since In addition to ... › events

How tall should buildings be when they're near single-family ...
— “As you move across Lamar, you're literally seeing the diagram of the zoning,” said Maija Kreishman, a principal with Michael Hsu Office of ... › h...
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Vorname "Maija" (213)
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