Malcolm Lindblom Person-Info 

( Ich bin Malcolm Lindblom)


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HoistLocatel erwirbt Swisscom Hospitality Services
Die Führung des zusammengeschlossenen Unternehmens obliegt dem CEO Malcolm Lindblom, gemeinsam mit dem Management von SHS. Der vollständige strategische Plan, ...

AP6 invests in Accent's Hoist | Unquote
Accent retains the majority, while the company's founder, Malcolm Lindblom, will keep his minority stake. The transaction was a rights issue ...

Accent buys half of hotel supplier Hoist | AltAssets Private Equity...
Stockholm-based buy-out house Accent Equity Partners has acquired a 50 per cent stake in Swedish hotel supplier and energy efficiency solutions provider Hoist.

Hoist Group adds investment from AP6. | Nordic › news › hoist-group-...
... investor in the company, alongside the main owner, the investment fund Accent Equity 2008, and the Company's founder Malcolm Lindblom Mai Mai Arctic15 Helsinki Helsinki / Kaapelitehdas Juni Juni Brilliant Minds Stockholm Sept Sept. Nordic Life Science Days ... Stockholm / Malmömässan
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Malcolm Lindblom
Pierre Lestage
Vorname "Malcolm" (1416)
Name "Lindblom" (72)
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