Malte Clausen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Malte Clausen)


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Guardian: The Guardian

— “Widespread adoption of alternative proteins can play a critical role tackling climate change,” said Malte Clausen, a partner at BCG. “We ...

Cision News
Malte Clausen. ons, maj 22, :30 CET. Lågupplöst · Medelupplösning · Originalupplösning. Om oss. Boston Consulting Group ...

Blue Horizon
Blue Horizon Managing Partner & CEO, Björn Witte recently joined Malte Clausen, Partner and Associate Director at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to unpack ...

Bürgerbeteiligung Darmstadt
— Kontakt. Malte Clausen, Amt für Vielfalt Navigation. zurück zur Vorhabenliste.
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