Mara Lin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mara Lin)


Faschingswochenende im Landkreis Sömmerda | Karneval | Thüringer...
Schwansee, Bachra und Schillingstedt sind fest in der Hand der Narren.

Il-Parlament Ewropew b'messaġġ ċar kontra ż-żwiġijiet sfurzati -...
... tiprojbixxi żwiġijiet sfurzati,” sostna Zammit Dimech. Hu saħaq li biex tissaħħaħ il-ġlieda kontra prattiċi bħaż-żwiġijiet bikrija, huma kruċjali l-edukazzjoni u l-appoġġ soċjali, flimkien ma' opportunitajiet oħra. Zammit Dimech qal li filwaqt li jawgura l-Jum il-Mara lin-nisa kollha, m'għandux ikun dan il-jum biss ...

3 student films show why we need to celebrate Audiovisual Heritage...
From Roma standing up for their rights in Ghent, to the comeback of African fashion in Ghana. The documentaries from Visual Ethnography students showcase the...

Vera de Regt wins Photo Contest Antropology Leiden University
Bachelor student Vera de Regt received the first prize in the Anthropology Photo Contest 'Street Life' with her photo 'Girlpower in USA river' of Tanzanian...
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