Marcin Krzeminski und Confederation Of Billiard Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marcin Krzeminski)
(1 - 5 von 5

Marcin Krzeminski became the vice-president of WCBS - East European...
Marcin Krzeminski became the vice-president of WCBS. July 03, General Assembly of World Confederation of Billiard Sports has chosen Jason Ferguson ...

Marcin Krzeminski is a member of WCBS! - East European Billiard...
Our friend, Marcin Krzeminski became a member of the Board of World Confederation of Billiards Sports (WCBS). He will be responsible for fighting against ...

Bennie Deegens elected as new president of CEB - News - Confédération...
The new elected UMB-president Farouk Barki and the vice-president of World Confederation of Billiard Spoprts Marcin Krzeminski from Poland ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Marcin Krzeminski
Person "Krzeminski" (1)
Vorname "Marcin" (3295)
Name "Krzeminski" (108)