Marco Anelli Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marco Anelli)


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Marina Abramovic: "Ich bin eine Kämpferin" |
Mit dem Festival OPEN möchte sich die Angewandte verstärkt der Performance widmen und hat dazu die Künstlerin Marina Abramović ins MQ eingeladen.

Marina Abramovic by Marco Anelli - Books and Arts - ABC Radio...
Marina Abramovic by Marco Anelli Image: A still photograph produced for Marina Abramovic's performance 512 Hours at London's Serpentine Gallery. (© Marco Anelli/Serpentine Galleries). Books and Arts Duo. Monday to Friday 10am and Saturday 2pm Repeated: Tuesday to Saturday 2am.

WN - marco anelli
Marina Abramovic with Klaus Biesenbach and Marco Anelli. Riportiamo a casa Maya, il video messaggio di Marco Anelli ...

Magazzino Italian Art presents "Marco Anelli: Building Magazzino" at...
Magazzino Italian Art, the new art warehouse space in the Hudson Valley dedicated to Post-war and Contemporary Italian Art, announces Marco Anelli: Bu
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