Marcus Pickhardt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marcus Pickhardt)


DZNE  > Pressemitteilungen: Forscher entschlüsseln Funktionsweise von...
Der Wirkstoff Methylenblau gilt als Kandidat für die Behandlung von Alzheimer, denn er verhindert schädliche Verklumpungen sogenannter Tau-Proteine, die für...

Researchers decipher modus operandi of potential ...
Mechanistic Basis of Phenothiazine-driven Inhibition of Tau Aggregation, Elias Akoury, Marcus Pickhardt, Michal Gajda, Jacek Biernat, Eckhard Mandelkow, ...

Inhibition of tau protein aggregation by rhod | EurekAlert!
Several peptide-polymer conjugates were synthesized to enhance the uptake of compounds into cells and thus to improve their biomedical application. The aim of...
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