Margaret Ritchie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Margaret Ritchie)


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Australians warned over visiting Northern Ireland
[BBC News] - South Down MP Margaret Ritchie said the travel advice was "an over-reaction" and NI was "open for business." She said she would write to the Australian

Tourism chief hits back at Oz alert
[Belfast Telegraph] - Nationalist SDLP South Down MP Margaret Ritchie said she would write to the Australian Ambassador in Dublin, Bruce Davis, and High Commissioner in London

SDLP's Margaret Ritchie criticised over MI5 comment
[Belfast Telegraph] - SDLP leader Margaret Ritchie has been criticised from across the political spectrum for calling for MI5 to be stripped of its intelligence gathering role in

Real IRA 'using Omagh-style tactics'
[] - Margaret Ritchie, leader of the nationalist SDLP, questioned the ability of MI5 to collect intelligence on the dissidents after taking over the lead role
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Len Wade
Vorname "Margaret" (4249)
Name "Ritchie" (374)
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