Margarita Kola Person-Info 

( Ich bin Margarita Kola)


The number of divorces in Tirana is dramatically increased, official...
Margarita Kola said earlier to Monitor that the reasons for the decline in divorce last year are mainly related to the fact that Albanians are getting married less and ...

Hilfe: Zu Besuch in Albanien
Auf dem Foto: Rechtsanwalt Amarildo, die Vorsitzende der IGFM-Sektion Albanien Margarita Kola, Katrin Bornmüller, Sophia Beerbohm und ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Margarita Kola
Katrin Bornmüller
Vorname "Margarita" (2913)
Name "Kola" (231)
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