Maria Jonstrup Person-Info 

( Ich bin Maria Jonstrup)


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Ljus idé renar färgat vatten | SvD
Svensk lösning. Döda floder, gifter som tränger ner i grundvattnet, miljöfarligt slam som läggs ut på åkrarna. Utsläppen är ett av den globala textilindustrins...

Green process cleans up hazardous textile chemicals ...
Maria Jonstrup, doctoral student in biotechnology at Lund University, Sweden who developed this technique, conducted experiments with both ...

New method cleans up textile industry's most | EurekAlert!
Textile dying is one of the most environmentally hazardous aspects of the textile industry. During dying, harmful chemicals that are difficult to break down...

New method cleans up textile industry's most dangerous chemicals
However, Maria Jonstrup, a doctoral student in Biotechnology at Lund University, has developed a new, environmentally friendly purification ...
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Vorname "Maria" (74561)
Name "Jonstrup" (6)
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