Maria Lavida Person-Info 

( Ich bin Maria Lavida)


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Taz: Lage von Geflüchteten in Griechenland: Angst und Schrecken auf Chios...

Faschisten haben im Flüchtlingscamp auf der Insel Chios Zelte in Brand gesetzt. Viele schlafen seitdem in Parks oder am Strand.

Anger on Greek island as refugee registration stalls - Yahoo News UK
"The number of people arriving has gone down, but the number on the island is increasing," says Maria Lavida, a Greece-based spokeswoman ...

Anger on Greek island as refugee registration stalls | Refugees News...
More than a million refugees and migrants reached European shores after taking boats across the Mediterranean in

Doctors of the World: Greek island’s refugee camps overcrowded -...
Doctors of the World: Greek island’s refugee camps overcrowded
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Maria Lavida
Vorname "Maria" (74561)
Name "Lavida" (24)
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