Mariam Wardak und Afghanistan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mariam Wardak)
(1 - 12 von 14

US historian who tried to save Afghanistan's heritage dies aged 89
Tributes pour in for the woman sometimes referred to as Afghanistan's

Décès de l'historienne Nancy Dupree, "grand-mère" de l'Afghanistan
L'historienne américaine Nancy Hatch Dupree, qui a consacré la majeure partie de sa vie à préserver le patrimoine de l'Afghanistan, est morte dimanche dans un...

Meet Afghanistan's first female fixed-wing pilot - Yahoo ...
"She has an eagerness to connect to women, to develop a sisterhood," says one of her Afghan friends, Mariam Wardak. "I think she is missing ...

U.S. Historian Nancy Dupree Dies, Aged 89
Renowned for trying to save her adopted homeland’s heritage, the ‘grandmother of Afghanistan’ died in Kabul