Marijana Zivkovic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marijana Zivkovic)


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Blow to Salmond as another country attacks Scotlandshire Labour
A spokesman for BT said that the [inaudible murmurs] were actually the sound of Alistair blinking rapidly

The Dirty Dozen - The case against BBC Scotland: Part 1 -
Marijana Zivkovic, chargé d'affaires at Montenegro's British embassy, expressed her “deep regret” at the Scottish Labour leader's comments.

BBC NEWS | Business | Serbia's past helps ease the present
The hardships Serbia suffered in the 1990s has prepared people to accept the current financial situation

'Living on less' diff viewer (0/1) - News Sniffer
By Marijana Zivkovic BBC News, Belgrade Many buildings had to be rebuilt after the NATO offensive in the 1990s, By Marijana Zivkovic BBC ...
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