Mario Draghi und President Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Draghi)
(1 - 44 von 134
) SPIEGEL Interview with ECB President Mario Draghi - SPIEGEL ONLINE

In an interview with SPIEGEL, President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi defends his euro crisis policies and promises to keep prices stable. He also...

ECB: Mario Draghi takes new steps to revive Europe's flagging economy...
It's official: Mario Draghi's eight-year term as president of the European Central Bank will end in October without an interest rate rise.

European Central Bank's Mario Draghi news conference - BBC News
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi gives a news briefing amid quantitative easing speculation

Euro, Draghi avverte: «Senza riforme unione monetaria a rischio» -...
Il presidente della Bce a Sintra, in Portogallo: le divergenze tra i Paesi tendono a diventare esplosive e minacciano l’euro. Alcune economie sono...