Mario Vargas und Peruvian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Vargas)
(1 - 40 von 78

Mario Vargas Llosa: Nobel Prize in Literature Goes with a Well-Known...
Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa was named the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature for a lifetime of fiction, criticism and activism

Factbox: Facts about Nobel author Mario Vargas Llosa | Reuters
Facts about Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa, who won the Nobel prize for literature on Thursday:

Guardian: Mario Vargas Llosa surprised and delighted by Nobel prize win | Mario...

Peruvian-born Mario Vargas Llosa said he thought it was a joke when he received an early morning call to say he had won

ECUADOR: Novelist Mario Vargas Llosa criticizes indigenous › news
Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa has angered many indigenous leaders in Ecuador after openly criticizing indigenous political movements in South America.