Marion Purdie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marion Purdie)


Domestic Annals of Scotland - Reign of Charles II.: Part F
One Marion Purdie, dwelling at the West Port of Edinburgh, once a milk-wife, and now a beggar, was apprehended and imprisoned as a witch. She was accused of laying diseases and frenzies upon her neighbours. The king's advocate was now giving little heed to such cases, and so poor Marion 'dies of cold and poverty ...

13 Sep Advertising - Trove
Cnstlomaino, Mr David Borland to mibs Marion Purdie,. Line both of Ayrshire, Sootlatid. Line I A JS' T E D a good Cook. Apply at the. Line
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Marion Purdie
Vorname "Marion" (33407)
Name "Purdie" (29)
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