Marius Koppers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marius Koppers)


Teams of advisers in line for $200m
· From inside the BHP bunker, the in-house team is led by CEO Marius Koppers, chairman Don Argus, chief financial officer Alex Vasenlow, ...

At last, here's a bid to savour | This is Money
We are not back to the stratospheric heights of takeover activity seen a decade ago but the M&A bandwagon is definitely rolling again

Miner BHP Cuts Plan, Sees Economy Hitting Commodities | Investor's...
The company said as a result it's backing off from a plan announced last year by CEO Marius Koppers to spend up to $80 billion over the next ...

Embattled Edwafin goes offline | Fin24
The embattled investment firm Edwafin has apparently taken down its website, adding to speculation that the company is in trouble.
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Person "Koppers" (2)
Vorname "Marius" (10384)
Name "Koppers" (327)
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