Mark A. Griffiths Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark A. Griffiths)


(1 - 4 von 19

Gaming to death: What turns hobby into health hazard? - CNN
Any activity if done for days on end could lead to severe health problems and even death -- and gaming is no exception, writes Mark Griffiths.

'True face of Shakespeare' appears in botany book - BBC News
A 400-year-old botany book contains what could be the only known portrait of William Shakespeare made in his lifetime, according to an academic expert.

Hochzeit ohne Ehe - Film
Hochzeit ohne Ehe ein Film von Mark Griffiths mit Danielle Panabaker, Jessica Parker Kennedy. Inhaltsangabe: Die drei jungen Frauen und Freundinnen Erin (Danielle ...

The X-Files: Gillian Anderson reveals regret at putting love first -...
As agent Dana Scully in The X-Files, her will-they-won’t they relationship with Fox Mulder kept viewers guessing for years.
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