Mark Akkerman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark Akkerman)


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naiz: - Mark Akkerman - 1
Bilaketaren emaitzak. Mark Akkerman-(r)en emaitzak: 1-1, 1-(e)tik. Honen arabera ordenatu: data | garrantzia. Emaitzak orrialdeko: 10 | 25 | 50.

Arms firm accused of profiting from refugees fleeing war zones are...
AIRBUS are accused of selling to unstable countries in order to make higher profits from those looking to protect their borders.

Climate change, energy security and arms trade | War Resisters'...
By Mark Akkerman. While it is increasingly clear that climate change is an irreversible processes that will hit people and the environment hard, the defence industry ...

Report Shows How War Profiteers Are Now Refugee Profiteers, Too
Arms dealers flood war-torn Middle East with weapons and then lobby EU to militarize borders against refugees—profiting from both ends of conflict
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Mark Akkerman
Vorname "Mark" (32264)
Name "Akkerman" (159)
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