Mark Tavener und Series Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark Tavener)
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Radio Choice | The Times
— So the loosely disguised magazine at the centre of Mark Tavener and Steve Punt's new series is called The Blue Touch Paper and the comedy ... › article

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Radio 4 writer Mark Tavener dies
Mark Tavener, who wrote BBC Radio 4 series Absolute Power and High Table, Lower Orders, dies of cancer.

Watch out scribes, Cragge can still hack it | › news › watch...
· Mark Tavener, the garret-based writer of the series, thinks he knows. ''It was part of their PR. By running these programmes they hoped people ...

BBC Radio 4 Writer Mark Tavener Dies
Condolences to family and friends of satirist MARK TAVENER, creator of BBC RADIO 4 comedy series