Martin Hibberd Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Hibberd)


(1 - 4 von 27

Rat disease: World's first human case discovered in Hong Kong - CNN
Martin Hibberd, professor in emerging infectious diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said it is "very unlikely" that ...

Bobby on bike snares dealer - Berkshire Live
A drug dealer tackled by a bobby on a bike has been jailed and banned from entering central Reading

Dengue vaccine trial shows promise but questions remain | Fox News
... the antibody response in dengue well enough to know if this (problem) would also occur with a vaccine," said Martin Hibberd, a professor of ...

Dengue fever risk to World Cup fans - BBC News
Football fans travelling to the World Cup in Brazil next summer should be aware of the risk of dengue fever, a UK expert in epidemiology is warning.
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Name "Hibberd" (31)
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