Martin McGuinness und British Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin McGuinness)
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British peer says he hopes Martin McGuinness is 'shot in the back' |...
Martin McGuinness has rebuked Lord Tebbit for saying he hopes the Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister is shot in the back.

Adams recalls Martin McGuinness' 'confidence in his ...Derry Journal
— Gerry Adams quoted Martin McGuinness' statement that he was 'so confident in his Irishness he had no desire to chip away at the Britishness ...

Martin McGuinness | : IRA militant became ...The Columbus Dispatch
— Martin McGuinness, left, with Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams in 2005, was an. DUBLIN — Martin McGuinness took up arms to fight British soldiers in ...

Queen Elizabeth II, ex-IRA chief Martin McGuinness shake hands in...
Previously unthinkable: Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness meets and strolls with British monarch in Belfast