Martin Rohrmeier und Cognitive Musicology Lab Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Rohrmeier)
(1 - 20 von 21

Data Science Is Now Being Used to Understand Beethoven's Music
"The aim of our lab is to understand how music works," says Martin Rohrmeier, the lead in EPFL's Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab ...

Decoding Beethoven's music style using data science › pub_releases
... advancing a whole new range of methods and perspectives," says Martin Rohrmeier who leads EPFL's Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab ...

news › news › news 2020
Scientists in EPFL's Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab (DCML), led by Martin Rohrmeier, have used data science and statistical techniques to characterize ...

How words acquire their meaning - › Other Sciences › Social Sciences
· Robert Lieck and Martin Rohrmeier of the Digital and Cognitive Musicology Laboratory (DCML) used machine learning and artificial ...