Martin Sehrt-Jahnke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Sehrt-Jahnke)


(1 - 4 von 18

Cambridge Shoe Thrower Is Cleared - TIME
Student Martin Jahnke, who was taken to court after throwing a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during a speech at Cambridge University, has been cleared of...

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Cambridgeshire | Shoe thrower cleared of...
A Cambridge student who threw a shoe at the Chinese PM is cleared by a judge who said the evidence of harassment was insufficient.

VFK Iserlohn: Zehn Pfennig Mitgliedsbeitrag - Iserlohn
Sein 125-jähriges Vereinsbestehen feiert der VfK Iserlohn am Samstag, 20. April, mit einer Feierstunde im BBZ.

Guardian: Cambridge student on trial for throwing shoe at Chinese PM | Protest...

Projectile aimed at Wen Jiabao for 'crimes' of country's regime went beyond lawful protest, prosecution argues
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Martin Sehrt-Jahnke
Vorname "Martin" (86745)
Name "Sehrt-Jahnke" (1)
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