Martin Socha Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Socha)


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Is ‘labor’ a noun or a verb? | NewsCut | Minnesota Public Radio News
What's behind the removal of a mural depicting labor history.

WSU restores and preserves Somsen Hall mural - Winona Post
The artist, John Martin Socha (pron: so-shay), was a Minnesota native and teacher who reportedly studied under famed Mexican muralist Diego Rivera. › news

Aku Footwear Expands its US Footprint - FDRA
— The new hires include: Martin Socha who will be covering New England and Mid-Atlantic, Michelle Emmons in the Southwest, and Scott Slocum ... › latest-news › aku-...

Flut-Drama: Merkel macht Hochwasser-Opfern in Sachsen Mut - Hamburger...
Die Bundeskanzlerin besucht Passau, aber auch betroffene Regionen in Sachsen und Thüringen. Die Hochwasser-Lage am Dienstag im Überblick.
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