Martyn Caplan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martyn Caplan)


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Glaisyers Solicitors takes on all staff from Fruhman Davies...
Manchester law firm Glaisyers Solicitors has taken on all the staff of a fellow firm in the city.

'Umbrella' alternative business structures aims to build 1,000-lawyer...
Martyn Caplan. Caplan: “future for many law firms is getting more and more difficult”. Alternative business structure Lawyers Inc has said it aims ...

Glaisyers joins forces with Fruhman Davies Livingstones
... the founders of Fruhman Davies & Co. have joined Glaisyers as consultants and, in addition, Malcolm Abel and Martyn Caplan also joined as partners.

Law firms Glaisyers and Fruhman Davies Livingstones merge |...
MANCHESTER law firm Glaisyers Solicitors, has taken on 26 staff, including all partners of Fruhman Davies Livingstones.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Martyn Caplan
Malcolm Abel
Vorname "Martyn" (364)
Name "Caplan" (91)
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