Matt House Person-Info 

( Ich bin Matt House)


(1 - 4 von 55

State rep was out — now in
[Nisqually Valley News] - When Matt Hamilton became the first candidate to run for the House seat, the odds of winning were promising. In light of Campbell's change of heart

Schumer aide was forced out over ‘inappropriate encounters’ with...
Chuck Schumer (left) speaks with Matt House CQ-Roll Call,Inc he was asked to leave,” Schumer's spokesman said of Matt House, who ...

New way to deal with everyday emergencies | News and Star
With 999 calls on the rise and the NHS under pressure, the ambulance service is changing the way it responds. Health reporter Pamela McGowan met one…

Kentucky football: Matt House leaves for Kansas City Chiefs
After initially deciding to stay at Kentucky, defensive coordinator Matt House has reversed course to take a job with the Kansas City Chiefs.
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