Maya Angelou und Winston-Salem Person-Info 

( Ich bin Maya Angelou)
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The message of Maya Angelou -
One of the world's most famous poets and writers, an inspiration to countless women, recently celebrated her birthday. At her home in Winston-Salem, North...

Maya Angelou: Gedenkfeier mit vielen Promis | Stars
· Winston-Salem - Familie, Freunde, Politiker und Stars haben am Samstag in einer Trauerfeier Maya Angelou gedacht. Unter anderem nahmen First Lady …

Maya Angelou dead at 86
WINSTON-SALEM, NC — Maya Angelou, a modern Renaissance woman who survived the harshest of childhoods to become a force on stage, ...

Renowned poet, author Maya Angelou dead at 86 | Fox News
Award-winning author, renowned poet and civil rights activist Dr. Maya Angelou was found dead in her Winston-Salem, N.C., home Wednesday morning. She was