Melanie Patz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Melanie Patz)


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Ernsgaden: Dorferneuerung kommt Ernsgaden etwas teurer als geplant...
Die Objektplanung wird das Architekturbüro Melanie Patz-Pickl aus Vohburg ( Euro) übernehmen. Die Untersuchung des Baugrunds ...

Are YOU Ready for Some GOOD NEWS?
Director of the Nonprofit Center, Melanie Patz of Baptist Health and John Bowls, Barnabas Medical Director, pose with the Local Focus- Lasting Impact award .

Group commemorating innocent man's death in Jacksonville lynching
“The last thing we want to do is contribute to illness and death by bringing a lot of people together,” said Melanie Patz, co-chair of the remembrance project, ...

OneJax to honor humanitarians at 50th anniversary dinner
... officer of SEE International; and Melanie Patz and Lynn Sherman, co-chairwomen of the Jacksonville Community Remembrance Project and Leaders of 904Ward.
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