Melat Yosef Person-Info 

( Ich bin Melat Yosef)


Chain Reaction: "It gives me tremendous hope to talk to people like...
Over a dubious Skype connection from Washington DC to Addis Ababa, two entrepreneurs discuss what it takes to start a social enterprise, and what gives them...

Global Focus: Ethiopia | The Social Enterprise Magazine - Pioneers...
Ethiopia's economy is skyrocketing, its reformist prime minister is admired worldwide and its social enterprise scene is buzzing – making Addis Ababa the...

Programma - Social Enterprise Open Camp 2019
22 giugno: sessione plenaria di apertura a Napoli giugno: sessioni di lavoro a Vico Equense. 25 giugno: conclusione lavori

Who we are working with | British Council
Contact Person: Melat Yosef, Co-Founder. . Employee/ Team: 2. Annual Turnover: ETB 300,000. Major Activities: Nutrition ...
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Vorname "Melat" (10)
Name "Yosef" (65)
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