Melissa Bus Person-Info 

( Ich bin Melissa Bus)


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5 northern school districts may switch bus provider
[Rockford Register Star] - Prairie Hill has five routes, Superintendent Ted Rehl said. There are fewer routes this year because the district opened its new Willowbrook Middle School.

Bus garage comes down
[Wellsville Daily Reporter] - “That includes all of the clearing and grubbing, tree removal, earthwork, asphalt and demolition,” Project Manager Melissa Shutt of Campus Construction

'Move that Bus!' allows family to see new 'Beach' home
[Pasadena Citizen] - The room that TV host Ty Pennington decorated as his special secret project has a guitar theme for one of the older boys, volunteers said.

Braintree school committee awards South Middle School renovation contract
[Braintree Forum] - It costs about $1.5 million a year to lease the buses. Committee Member Melissa Berman noted that by the town providing its own school bus transportation
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