Melissa Camus und Peterborough Person-Info 

( Ich bin Melissa Camus)
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How people across the country are helping make a Peterborough boy's...
PETERBOROUGH -- Lakeview Bowl is about to host the birthday party of the century. The man of honour is a 13-year-old Peterborough boy named Odin, who...

Flag raised for Autism Day in Peterborough |...
— “It's been a crazy time,” said Melissa Camus, his mother. Thursday was World Autism Awareness Day, and at 9 a.m. Mayor Daryl Bennett was raising ... › ...

Odin Camus' Heartbreaking Story Is Not Unique (But We Can Change That)
Many families in Peterborough deal with the same challenges autism presents

Peterborough boy's lonely birthday transformed by friends he'd › News
· It all started with a polite plea his mother Melissa Camus posted on social media that morning, asking if a few of her friends could help ...
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