Melissa McCracken und Music Person-Info 

( Ich bin Melissa McCracken)
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Melissa McCracken dipinge la musica - La Stampa - Ultime notizie di...
Melissa McCracken è affetta da sinestesia, un fenomeno percettivo per cui quando sente un suono vede un colore

Melissa McCracken is an artist who paints music | USA Art › events › fine-art
Melissa McCracken - American artist-abstractionist. The artist is not engaged in quite ordinary creativity.

This Artist Paints The Colors She Hears In Music | NCPR News
Melissa McCracken talks with Here & Now's Robin Young about living with a neurological condition that causes her to see music as color.

This Artist Experiences Sound As Colors And Paints What Music Looks...
Melissa McCracken, a painter with synesthesia, explains what it's like to see your favorite songs.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Melissa McCracken
Vorname "Melissa" (13777)
Name "Mccracken" (136)