Melissa Schürmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Melissa Schürmann)


(1 - 4 von 13
) - Search ends for sailors missing in Persian Gulf - November...
A search for two sailors missing in the northern Persian Gulf was called off Tuesday, the U.S. Navy said.

In this movie, no Japanese villains were at Pearl Harbor - Washington...
"The filmmakers made a conscious decision to keep it very neutral," said Navy Lt. Melissa Schuermann, the Pentagons "Pearl Harbor" project ...

BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Tanker sinks off Kuwait
An oil tanker - reportedly carrying smuggled Iraqi crude - sinks off Kuwait, but it does not appear to threaten Gulf coastlines.

Body Found In Iraq Ship Mishap - CBS News
Two Americans, Three Iraqis, Are Missing And Presumed Dead
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Name "Schürmann" (1300)
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