Michael Blazejewski Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Blazejewski)


Hoosac students express themselves at 88th annual Speaking Contest /...

Hoosac Valley High School in Adams hosted the 88th annual Junior Prize Speaking Contest on Wednesday evening. Seven students participated in the popular event,...

Hoosac Valley hosts annual dinner / iBerkshires.com - The Berkshires...

The Hoosac Valley cafeteria was transformed into what one senior citizen described as “a four star restaurant,” when the annual Art Hathaway Memorial...

Carmarthenshire News Edition 12

were Elliott Roberts from Ysgol y Strade and Michael Blazejewski from St John Lloyd Comprehensive. Philip Jones from Ysgol Bro Myrddin won second place.

MTI Volunteers Make Big Things Happen | MTI

Members: Co-Chair Jim Roberts, Co-Chair Judy Rudy, Michael Blazejewski, David Carpenter, Mike Smith, Mary Springer, April Uhlenburg.
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