Michael Diekmann und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Diekmann)
(1 - 29 von 29

Spiegel.de: SPIEGEL Interview with Allianz CEO: 'Greece Has an Opportunity to...

In a SPIEGEL interview, Allianz CEO Michael Diekmann discusses the participation of private creditors in a new bailout for Greece, the German insurance giant's...

Allianz Says Oliver Baete To Succeed Michael Diekmann As CEO

· German insurer Allianz SE (AZSEY.PK) Thursday said its Chief Executive Officer Michael Diekmann would remain in that role only up to the ...

Diekmann replaces Perlet as Allianz chairman

German insurer Allianz has elected former CEO Michael Diekmann to become the firm’s chairman, replacing Helmut Perlet.