Michael Dimadis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Dimadis)


Argentina sees comeback of tango | Reuters

Tango impresario Juan Fabbri can't get a table at the 500-seat dinner theatre he runs. That's because Esquina Carlos Gardel in Buenos Aires is packed with...

All the right moves for Argentine economy - Los Angeles Times

The popularity of the tango draws tourists and their cash to a nation on the rebound from a crash in

Argentina sees comeback of tango, for tourists | Reuters

Tango impresario Juan Fabbri can't get a table at the 500-seat dinner theater he runs. That's because Esquina Carlos Gardel in Buenos Aires is packed with...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Michael Dimadis
Vorname "Michael" (149265)
Name "Dimadis" (14)
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