Michael Faas und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Faas)
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Metro Health names new president, CEO - mlive.comwww.mlive.com › metro_health_names_new_preside

· 1, following the retirement of Michael Faas, who served as the health care organization for 25 years. "Dr. Hahn is the ideal selection to carry ...

Michael Faas | Crain's Detroit Businesswww.crainsdetroit.com › Person

Metro Health CEO Michael Faas is the target of a whistleblower lawsuit filed by Laura Sacha-Staskiewicz, former director of Metro's foundation.

Metro Health names next president and CEO | Modern Healthcare

Dr. Peter Hahn, who was hired in as Metro Health's chief medical officer, will start his new position of president and CEO of the health system on Oct. 1,...

Health system CEO announces retirementGrand Rapids Business Journal

— Michael Faas. Courtesy Metro Health-University of Michigan Health. The long-time CEO of a local health system has announced his plan to ...