Michael Hüttermann und Continuous Delivery Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Hüttermann)
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Michael Hüttermann - devopsdays Berlin 2017devopsdays.org › speakers › michael-huettermann

Michael Hüttermann is delivery engineer and leading subject matter expert for Continuous Delivery, DevOps and SCM/ALM. He has written a couple of books ...

Event "Continuous Delivery Java User Group Switzerlandwww.jug.ch › html › events › conti...

Michael Hüttermann is Principal DevOps Consultant at CloudBees. He has written a couple of books including "DevOps for Developers", 2012, and "Agile ALM", ...

JavaDay Minsk Конференция / Минск, Беларусь июня 2017

Michael Hüttermann – From Zero to Hero: Firing up a holistic Continuous Delivery/DevOps pipeline. Что нам стоит Continuos Delivery Pipeline построить: ...