Michael Hans-Joachim Arndt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Hans-Joachim Arndt)


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Neuling DSV muss nachlegen

[Mitteldeutsche Zeitung] - Jens Görisch ist nach seiner fünften gelben Karte gesperrt, Ian Schöbe plagt sich noch immer mit einer Wadenverletzung herum. Dafür sind Michael Arndt und

'It's Kind of a Funny Story' is actually kind of a disappointment

[Bowling Green Daily News] - For starters, Michael Arndt and John Lasseter's screenplay once again captures the innocence of this toy world but doesn't play down to its audience.

Google News: 'Toy Story 3' screenwriter talks toys with the Daily

[Tufts Daily] - Michael Arndt: In terms of writing characters or stories … there's no difference between live-action and animation. A good story is a good story

New to DVD: "Toy Story 3" "Frank Sinatra: Concert Collection"

[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] directed by Lee Unkrich and penned by "Little Miss Sunshine" writer Michael Arndt. His mother is keen on him deciding which toys to stash in the attic
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