Michael Heizer und Levitated Mass Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Heizer)
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Boulder on show at Los Angeles art museum - BBC News

A new work of art featuring a rock weighing 340 tons (308,443 kg) has gone on display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) in California. Artist Michael Heizer unveiled Levitated Mass to more than 1,000 people on Sunday. Positioned above a walkway, the outdoor sculpture is designed to ...

Green Screen: Michael Heizer's Levitated Mass - The Contemporary...

Prominently displayed outside the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Land artist Michael Heizer's Levitated Mass gained international recognition during its ...

LACMA's rock opens. Let the photo taking begin. - Los Angeles Times

Sunday was the long-awaited opening day for "Levitated Mass," the $10-million environmental sculpture on the grounds of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.The centerpiece of Michael Heizer's artwork is a 340-ton boulder that captured the imagination of many as it made its way across four counties,.