Michael Jantsch und Institute Person-Info 

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EMBL Conference - The Epitranscriptome - Final Programme

Michael Jantsch - MFPL, Austria : Identification of novel regulators of protein synthesis fidelity and aggregation using high content genetic screens Joana Tavares - Institute of Biomedicine, University of Aveiro, Portugal : Coffee Break: : Quality control in small RNA silencing pathways Stefan Ameres ...

EMBL Conference - The Epitranscriptome - Speakers

Michael Jantsch MFPL, Austria. Michael Kiebler Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany. Narry Kim Seoul National University, Korea. Frank Lyko DKFZ, Gernmany. Ronald Micura University of Innsbruck, Austria. Eric Miska Gurdon Institute, UK. …