Michael Kloep Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Kloep)


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UAE students need soft skills to boost their future careers

— Michael Kloep, senior lecturer and head of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Business Excellence, MBA Campus Programme Coordinator at ... › education

▷ Kettenbrecher Event 🥇 • • München • Said Shiripour

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Social Media Marketing in Mumbai

There will be “digital business models with a strong focus on convenience and a connection to a traditional approach,” said Dr Michael Kloep, ... › news

▷ Marketing Offensive Berlin JETZT Ticket Sichern

vor 3 Tagen — Michael Kloep. Global CEO der Copecart GmbH. Afil Sbai. CEO und Gründer von WeCreate. Jem Bourough. Unternehmer und Investor. Erdem Nazli. › event › marketing-offensive-berlin
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