Michael Kordahi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Kordahi)


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globo: G1 - Usuários do Facebook criam o maior labirinto de 'Pac-man' do...

“Estamos dando ao mundo uma chance de aproveitar um dos jogos mais famosos direto no navegador de uma forma inovadora, disse Michael Kordahi, desenvolvedor da Microsoft Australia, um dos criadores do projeto. Maior labirinto de 'Pac-man' possui 952 fases (Foto: Reprodução). veja também.

Guardian: Newly asked questions: Is Microsoft's new Bing search engine better...

Although the core index is the same, Bing is not just a rebranding of Microsoft Live Search

Freckle — Branding, Graphic Design, Creative Campaigns, Event...

Indeed, technical tinkerer Michael Kordahi gave several examples of 'beautiful constraints' during his 5 minute talk about the hacker mindset: Jerry ... › tag

Microsoft, Namco Bandai Release HTML Game Developer

... by taking advantage of modern web standards and hardware acceleration," Microsoft Australia developer evangelist Michael Kordahi said in a statement. › ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Michael Kordahi
Matt Cutts
Vorname "Michael" (149265)
Name "Kordahi" (13)
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