Michael Lavery Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Lavery)


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BBC NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Doctor died 'choking on lobster'

The doctor wife of a prominent barrister died after choking on a lobster tail in a restaurant, an inquest hears.

Belfast QC’s wife choked to death on lobster - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

The wife of an eminent Belfast barrister died after choking on her food during a holiday in the Republic, an inquest heard yesterday.

Heath in Bloody Sunday inquiry clash - Telegraph

A barrister in the Bloody Sunday Inquiry was rebuked yesterday over his questioning of Sir Edward Heath after a series of ill-tempered exchanges between...

Francis X. Driscoll and Michael Lavery - Catskill Mountain Foundation

The growing conviction that the word 'Green' is embodying more and more within the consciousness of people's minds around the world today has a special and...
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Name "Lavery" (441)
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